Beginning She the Warrior
Welcome to She the Warrior. I originally started my blog to share stories and poetry that I felt needed to come out, but it has since evolved into something bigger. My desire to share my experiences grew into a passion for helping people improve different aspects of their lives.
We all have a voice and a story. I can help you realize yours.
Everyone has a story, and connection to others can be much more powerful than many people realize. I wanted to share my thoughts and personal experiences of failure, success, inspiration, heartbreak, and health, partly for myself so I can tell my own story, but also in hopes that they will resonate with other people. The good, the bad, and everything in between.
Life is full of mystery, pain, and beauty all jumbled together. I believe that somewhere out there, no matter what you’re feeling, someone else probably feels it too.
I also believe that everything is learnable, it’s never too late to change the way you think, and that you have the power to change your life. If I can help you improve your life in some small way – that’s why I write. I write because I love it, but also because my passion lies with helping others and believing that I can make a difference.
So regardless of how you stumbled across my work, I hope it brings some light to your life - whether it’s simple entertainment, relief that you’re not alone, a spark of desire to change something in your situation, or a desire to learn more and become the best version of you that you can be.
You are strong, you are smart, and you are enough.
Lastly, I know there’s a lot to read out there these days, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for spending your precious time on my site.
Get in touch with me here.