Confidence Coaching
Personal life coaching to help you get out of your own way, connect with your inner warrior, and build your sense of confidence and self-trust.
“If only I were more confident, I could do all the things I wanted to do…”
This is a phrase I’ve heard a lot. Confidence is something that so many people want, and yet so many of us struggle with it. Self-doubt shows up in lots of different ways and affects every aspect of our lives.
Speaking up and communicating our thoughts, feelings, and desires
Having healthy relationships
Applying for jobs
Asking for help
Making money
Setting boundaries
Getting out and doing fun things..
Being able to overcome self-doubt is something sooo many of us, especially women, need in order to lead happy, healthy, fulfilling lives.
So, what is the key to confidence?
Well, self-doubt doesn’t just “go away”. You don’t just snap your fingers and one day all the fear is gone and suddenly you’re the most confident person in the world. I wish it were that easy - but confidence doesn’t just APPEAR. And one of the biggest mistakes I see people make is that they focus too much on wanting the feeling of confidence…
…instead of the action it takes to get there.
Because, the feeling will grow over time. If you focus on NOT having the feeling, and use it as an excuse to stay in your comfort zone and do nothing (which we’ve all done), then nothing will change.
You’ll stay stuck.
And this is where I come in.
Because, the real key to confidence is action. You have to be willing to DO something, even when there’s fear, and that’s how your confidence builds. Your choices all add up to the life you’re living, and the life you want to live. And oftentimes, we’re choosing to stay safely in our comfort zone. We’re making excuses. Maybe we even know we’re making excuses, but can’t seem to break the pattern and actually make a change.
This is why having guidance, support, and accountability matters. Working with a personal life coach can give you that safe space and one-on-one time to help you uncover what’s getting in the way of you taking action and what needs to happen for you to start stepping outside your comfort zone and build your confidence and self-trust.
Confidence coaching
In my life coaching practice, I work with clients to uncover and overcome their doubts and fears, connect with their inner warrior, and shift their way of thinking so they can feel more confident, free, and fulfilled in their lives.