Empowerment Coaching first began from wanting to share my stories.
I originally started She the Warrior as a blog, where I simply wanted to share my experiences and life lessons. Over a couple of years, it grew into a bigger mission. So as I started my business and became a personal life and empowerment coach, I incorporated more self improvement and personal development.
Here you’ll find various written works, ranging from personal stories about my journey becoming a professional life coach, to informative pieces about what it means to be an empath, to educational articles about how to improve different aspects of your life. Read about women's empowerment, mindset, how to take your power back, how to know if you’re an empath, self-esteem and confidence, relationships, mental health, how to feel valued, and more.
5 Steps to Overcome Your Inner Critic
Learn how to overcome your inner critic and stop feeling so stuck in negative thoughts so you can have more confidence and peace in your life.
10 Impactful Life Lessons to Help You Conquer 2024
There is so much power in self-reflection. And sometimes the most loving thing we can do for ourselves is be honest about what’s not working in our lives. These are a few impactful life lessons to take into the new year, to help you feel confident and empowered.
How to Take Your Power Back
How do you go from feeling powerless to empowered? How do you take your power back after a toxic relationship or situation? There are a lot of ways to take your power back, including processing your emotions, setting boundaries, rediscovering yourself, and improving your mindset.
Empaths and Highly Sensitive People - Your Mindset Is Important
Protecting your energy is important for empaths, but so is your mindset. The way that you think about yourself and the world makes a huge difference in your life. This is a simple shift you can make, to help you go from feeling powerless to empowered.
How to Know If You’re an Empath
Have you been told you’re too sensitive? Or maybe you feel everything deeply and want to know what it means to be an empath, and what it means to be a highly sensitive person. Here we’ll talk about how to tell if you’re an empath or HSP or both, and some of the signs and benefits of being highly sensitive.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
We've all probably experienced overwhelm at some point. Often it feels like there's so much to do and so little time to do it, right?
But sometimes all we need is to take a step back and gain some perspective, ask for help, and ask ourselves what's REALLY making us so stressed out under the surface.
Other People’s Opinions Are Not Your Responsibility
We all want to feel loved and accepted. But sometimes we let the desire to be liked to take over, and it causes us to try to control other people’s reactions and constantly worry about what other people think. The truth is, their opinions and reactions are not your resposibility.
You Can Change How You See Yourself (And How Others See You, Too)
You can learn to grow your confidence. It can start small, beginning with the decision to try. When I realized I no longer wanted to live according to other people’s expectations, I decided to change my energy and the way I held myself. And it worked.
Here’s One Simple Way to Recharge Your Confidence
When self-doubt sets in, it can be tempting to want to throw in the towel and believe that we’re not actually as capable as we thought. But sometimes, all it takes is a simple reminder to get you back on track and recharge your confidence. Here is one strategy.
What Is Life Coaching?
There’s a lot of confusion out there about what life coaching is, what coaches actually do, and why you would want to work with one. Here are some of your most common questions answered.
4 Simple Ways to Make Someone Feel Valued
The world doesn’t necessarily need more people who talk. It needs more people who listen, and people who genuinely care. Make people feel heard and seen, and they will remember you.
The Power of Hope - and Why It Matters
Hope isn’t just a feeling or an optimistic outlook, but a belief. There are billions of people in the world, all trying to live their lives and make their mark. And yet, we still put ourselves out there.
5 Habits to Make the Most of Your Day
How do you start your day? And do you manage your energy level throughout it? Here are a few things I do to make the most of my day.
4 Types of Negativity That Can Easily Make People Dislike You
There are certain habits and behaviors that can become very draining when you’re around them. Example: constant gossiping says a lot more about you than the person you’re gossiping about.
Why Your Brain Needs You to Get More Sleep
Your brain needs rest, just like your body does. When you go to sleep, your brain gets to work storing and processing all the information gathered during the day. Also - did you know that everybody dreams?
Hey Ladies, It’s Time to Ask For a Raise
The majority of women have never negotiated a raise. And is it any wonder, considering we’re taught from the time we’re little girls to be nice, quiet, and polite? Ladies - it’s time to find our voices and learn how to ask for more.
5 Underrated Pearls of Wisdom to Help You Conquer Life
Who wouldn’t want to gain mastery over their own life? Take care of your health. Beware of toxic people, and plan for the future. These are some of the things I wish I hadn’t learned the hard way.
To the Girl I Was At Seventeen
Being a young woman is tough; you still have so much left to learn. I would have told you that your trust is precious, and that it has to be earned. That family is a gift, and words hold more power than you know.
Rejection Doesn’t Have to Change Your Direction
Whether it’s in a relationship, a job, or simply everyday life, rejection stings. It’s not a feeling you want to experience, but it’s part of being human. It’s tempting to throw in the towel after you’ve been rejected multiple times, but ask yourself: does rejection really have to change your whole direction?
How Gratitude Can Change Your Day - and Your Life
Gratitude is a trendy topic in the self-help world these days. Did you know incorporating a gratitude practice into your day can have both physical and psychological benefits? Here are a few ways to add it to your life, and why it’s important.