10 Impactful Life Lessons to Help You Conquer 2024
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There is so much power in self-reflection. It’s only when we stop and think about what we’ve learned and take the time to process, that we fully integrate the lessons we’ve learned and use them moving forward.
So, as we leave 2023 behind and start this brand-new year, I've been looking back at my last twelve months - and I'd like to share ten insights that have been very impactful for me, in the hopes that they can be impactful for you, too.
Many of these came from my own personal life, and some came from life coaching clients and other people in my circle. All of them are amazing reminders going forward into 2024.
So, let’s dive in.
1. A huge part of self-love and self-care is HONESTY. One of the most loving things you can do for yourself is to be willing to admit what’s not working in your life, and get clear on what you want and feel you deserve. Because it’s from that place that real change can occur.
2. Your body will always give you signs when something is wrong. It is so, so important to learn to pay attention. Don’t put off taking care of yourself until it’s too late and you don’t have a choice. If you don’t stop and rest, or get that pain or issue taken care of, eventually your body will force you to stop (and take it from me, it probably won’t be at a convenient time).
3. Sometimes goals change, and that’s 100% okay. Many of my goals changed and transformed throughout last year, and I have clients whose goals change all the time. This doesn’t make them (or you, if you experience this) wrong – it means we are always learning and evolving, and sometimes when we learn new information or experience changes in our lives, the things we thought we wanted change, too. It’s completely okay to reevaluate.
4. Advocating for yourself and your needs is one of the most valuable skills you can learn. There is no guarantee anyone else will (and this doesn’t mean that nobody cares! It just means that even if people care, no one can read minds.) So many of us, especially women, are afraid to speak up and express our needs and desires. This can be due to a number of factors, but bottom line – if you want something, don’t like something, need a change, etc. you have to learn to say it. And I promise, speaking up does get easier over time.
5. We are all craving authenticity and vulnerability. People want REALNESS. We each want to know we're not alone and that someone out there understands. So share your story.
6. It’s very possible (& powerful) to grow through your grief and hard times, and help others heal and grow along the way, too. Sometimes when we’re hurting, we go into our shell and just need to take care of ourselves for a while. And that’s okay. But sometimes, that shell can also become a crutch. But the hard times don’t have to last forever. You can grow through it, and sometimes, you growing and healing through something can help someone else grow through it, too.
7. The energy behind what you say & do often matters more than what you actually say & do. Vibes matter!! So be aware of what you are putting out into the world, because whether you (or they) know it or not, people pick up on energy.
8. You can never underestimate how much of an impact you can have on someone’s life just by being yourself. That, in itself, is leading the way. You have no idea what someone else is going through. You have no idea who you may be inspiring by being brave enough to be unapologetically you. But believe me, it happens more than you think. Many of us are caught up in the desire to be liked, waiting for permission to be ourselves. It’s moving, empowering, and inspiring when we witness someone being true to who they are and want to be.
9. We are all worthy of finding our glow, shining our light, and loving and being loved, no matter how broken or damaged we may feel or believe we are. Believe that. You’re worth it. You deserve good things in this life.
10. You don’t have to have it all 100% together or be 100% healed to still experience joy, peace, love, & fulfillment in your life. We are all beautiful (sometimes messy) unique works in progress.
I'll be transparent - this past year was incredibly challenging for me in many ways, but I can also honestly say that I’m grateful for all that I learned, and how much I've grown as a person and a coach. I truly believe I came out of 2023 stronger, braver, wiser, and with more capacity to guide and hold space for the women who come to me for support. And even with the painful moments, that in itself is a blessing.
If you haven't already, I encourage you to reflect on your year as well.
What did you discover or learn?
In what ways did you grow?
What are you grateful for going into this year?