5 Steps to Overcome Your Inner Critic
Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels
We’ve all experienced that voice in our head telling us we’re not good enough, we can’t do it, or that it won’t work out. And whether your inner critic only rears its head in times of uncertainty and trying new things, or it’s something you struggle with on a daily basis, we know it has an impact on the way we want to live our life.
Most of the time, people try to simply ignore it or drown it out. But those negative thoughts don’t have to rule your life or be shoved down all the time. One of the keys to self-empowerment is being willing and able to acknowledge and address what you’re feeling, so that you can process and move forward.
Here are some tips to handle your inner critic:
1) Awareness.
Becoming aware of those thoughts is the first step. In those times when your inner critic is taking over, start paying attention. What thoughts are popping into your head about yourself or what you’re doing? When do they show up? Are the things that voice is saying actually true? (Spoiler: many times, they’re not!) Where do those thoughts and opinions come from?
2) Acknowledgment.
It’s difficult to just stop thinking something, especially if it’s persistent. How many times have you heard someone use the example of “don’t think about a pink elephant” and then that’s exactly what comes to mind? So, what is the goal wasn’t to stop having those negative thoughts, but instead change how you respond to them?
Acknowledge that those negative thoughts are there, and that you have the power to start changing them and not allow them to take over.
3) Say thank you.
Yes, really. Believe it or not, those negative thoughts are there to protect you in some way! Your brain wants to avoid failure, embarrassment, pain, disappointment, discomfort, etc. It could be due to past negative experiences, or it could also simply be stemming from our natural human instinct to protect ourselves from danger (whether it’s real danger, like physical harm, or perceived danger, like being embarrassed and ridiculed). So by telling you “you’re not smart enough to succeed”, it’s trying to deter you from taking risks and possibly getting hurt.
Pausing to acknowledge that voice and say thank you for trying to protect me, starts to disrupt that negative thought process, as well as start giving yourself a little grace.
4) Have compassion.
Understand that everyone has negative thoughts sometimes, and it’s a process to start changing them. Know that you’re not alone, and that there’s nothing wrong with you. It may be a challenge at first to notice and shift your thoughts, but we all start somewhere.
So instead of going straight to beating yourself up, try rewriting the thoughts and stories that come up.
Turn “I’m not smart enough to do this” into something like “this might be a challenge, but I’m capable of trying new things.”
5) Take back the control.
Your inner critic and whatever negative thoughts it brings up may seem like it’s in the driver’s seat, but it’s still your car. You get to decide where to go and what to do. So, try addressing your inner critic.
“Dear inner critic,
Thank you for trying to protect me. I appreciate that you’re trying to give directions and steer me clear of anything bad, but I know what I want to do and you’re not helping right now. It’s time for you to hop in the backseat now and I’ll be taking the wheel.
The strong, capable person I know I am.”
Your energy will go where your attention goes. By changing how you respond to your inner critic and those negative, disempowering thoughts it brings up within you, you can learn to take away its power. You don’t have to get rid of it entirely - you just have to learn to acknowledge what’s there, and then flip the script.
And if you’re reading this, you’ve already taken a step towards improving your mindset, your well-being, and your life. Remember that you are strong, worthy, and capable.
I believe in you!
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