Energetic Coaching
Energetic coaching to access & improve deeper layers of yourself.
Energy is everything.
The word energy itself can mean a lot of different things. It can be used to describe:
how “powered up” someone feels (high energy or low energy)
the exchange between people (the transfer of energy when you shake hands with someone)
movement in scientific forms (heat, light, motion)
someone’s emotional state
the “feel” of a room when you walk in
We all can feel energy in the forms of movement, heat, light, and things like our physical state. But for empaths, it goes deeper. Because we are so sensitive to subtle shifts, exchanges, emotions, and the nuances of the world around us, energy or the “feel” of a person, room, or environment really is everything.
Have you ever been in a room with other people who were all talking and having a good time, walked out, and came back a few minutes later and suddenly knew something had changed? Maybe it felt a little heavier, more tense, even angry, as if there had just been an argument or exchange of strong emotions. If you’ve experienced this, you can feel energy.
We’re all exchanging energy with each other all the time.
And if you’re an empath, you might have a tendency to soak up the energy and emotion of those around you - good or bad - without even knowing it.
Because of this, many empaths experience overwhelm and often feel emotionally overloaded. They go through their lives not realizing that they’re acting like a sponge, and not knowing how to cleanse or protect themselves from the “energetic influence” of other people. This can sometimes cause physical issues as well, if not addressed. So when I say it’s important to cleanse yourself and your energetic field (your aura), I mean learning to wring out the sponge, so to speak. When we absorb other people’s baggage all day, it’s important to then release it and replenish ourselves, so we’re not feeling constantly drained and depleted.
You can cleanse your energy using techniques like meditation, visualization, salt baths, different sounds, and being in nature.
*It’s also important to note that energy work should not replace western medicine. If you’re having physical symptoms or issues, you should consult with a medical professional.
However, energy work and having a plan to cleanse, clear, and protect your energy regularly can really help to stop feeling like you’re at the mercy of your environment. It can take you from feeling like a victim and someone who’s “too sensitive” for the world, to someone who knows how to take care of themselves and feels empowered to conquer their life.
Energetic coaching
In my personal life coaching, I also help clients tap into the power of energy, shift their way of thinking, and learn different techniques to cleanse and protect themselves energetically.