Empowerment Coaching first began from wanting to share my stories.
I originally started She the Warrior as a blog, where I simply wanted to share my experiences and life lessons. Over a couple of years, it grew into a bigger mission. So as I started my business and became a personal life and empowerment coach, I incorporated more self improvement and personal development.
Here you’ll find various written works, ranging from personal stories about my journey becoming a professional life coach, to informative pieces about what it means to be an empath, to educational articles about how to improve different aspects of your life. Read about women's empowerment, mindset, how to take your power back, how to know if you’re an empath, self-esteem and confidence, relationships, mental health, how to feel valued, and more.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
We've all probably experienced overwhelm at some point. Often it feels like there's so much to do and so little time to do it, right?
But sometimes all we need is to take a step back and gain some perspective, ask for help, and ask ourselves what's REALLY making us so stressed out under the surface.
5 Underrated Pearls of Wisdom to Help You Conquer Life
Who wouldn’t want to gain mastery over their own life? Take care of your health. Beware of toxic people, and plan for the future. These are some of the things I wish I hadn’t learned the hard way.
Rejection Doesn’t Have to Change Your Direction
Whether it’s in a relationship, a job, or simply everyday life, rejection stings. It’s not a feeling you want to experience, but it’s part of being human. It’s tempting to throw in the towel after you’ve been rejected multiple times, but ask yourself: does rejection really have to change your whole direction?
12 Ways to Help You Conquer Your Everyday Life
If you’re dealing with overwhlem, stress, or simply the mundane of everyday life, there are many simple things you can do to help improve your mood and overall motivation.
It’s Okay to Be Confidently Lost
Have you ever thought about the concept of being confidently lost? Life is stressful right now and I don’t know what I will do or what’s going to happen, but I still have faith that things will somehow be okay.
Being a Woman, Then Vs. Now
I recently read a book called ‘The Giver of Stars’ that made me consider all the strides we’ve taken for women’s rights in the last hundred years. We may still have work to do, but I’m extremely grateful I have more choices and freedom than the main character of that story.
What If Dreams Come True?
Sometimes dreams come true - whether it’s something you’ve worked for your whole life, or a childhood wish that you didn’t even realize had already been fulfilled. I didn’t remember mine until I found my old journal.
Stir-Crazy During Quarantine
We’ve all felt some combination of stress, boredom, loneliness, and stir-craziness during this first part of quarantine. After I spent so much time resting and taking care of myself, I just felt like I had excess energy.
Embrace the Magical Moments
Do you see the magic in life? Beautiful things are happening around us all the time, and it makes life so much more magical when we learn to observe and appreciate them.
Children Can Change Us - Even If They’re Not Our Own
Sometimes the student becomes the teacher. My perspective changed and my mind was opened when I worked with this child.
How Do You Define Toxic Behavior?
Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize toxic relationships and behavior when it involves people you care about. But, part of taking care of yourself is setting boundaries - even if that means eventually cutting off ties with someone.
Be Grateful For Every Box
Once upon a time, I complained about having to write a thank-you note for a gift I hadn’t even opened yet. It was selfish and immature, but ended up teaching me a valuable lesson.
Know Your Limits!
It’s a busy world, and sometimes it seems like there is no end to high standards, expectations, and responsibilities. But it’s important to set boundaries and know our limits so we can say no - even when it’s to ourselves.